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文章出处:新闻资讯 人气:115发表时间:2021-08-15

There is a folk saying, "Guanyin closes his eyes and does not save the world. Guan Yu will kill people when he opens his eyes.". According to the folk tradition, it is mainly because Guan Gong will see blood when he opens his eyes, which is bad luck. Therefore, neither the bronze statue of Guan Gong nor the tattoo can open his eyes. What is the reason?

In ancient times, people were very superstitious. Guan Yu fought on the battlefield. His hands were stained with blood and murderous. The ancients believed that the murderous spirit was mainly transmitted through the eyes, so the ancients thought that the murderous spirit in Guan Yu's eyes was too heavy, so they kept Guan Yu's eyes closed and open when carving.

There is also a saying that Guan Yu closes his eyes, which is related to his study habits. Guan Yu himself was very studious, but it was a troubled time at that time. How could he have a complete time to study hard during the day? So he had to wait until the dead of night to study. At that time, unlike today's electric lamps, they could only be illuminated by kerosene lamps. Guan Yu looks at the words on the bamboo slips every night. After a long time, he becomes myopic. Only by squinting can you see what is written in the book. Therefore, he has the habit of squinting at ordinary times, and later generations shape the statue for him according to the image in his life.

还有一种说法似乎更靠谱一些,来源于《梦华琐簿》中所述:清代徽调演员米喜子在演《战长沙》时,出场用袖子遮脸,眼神微眯。演至精彩处,蓦地睁大双眼,一副杀气凛然的样子。当时台下观众为之喝彩,都说真像是关公显灵了。所以说,闭眼可以说是一种蓄势待发的神情,在戏台上,也有“一身之戏聚于脸,一脸之戏聚于眼” 一说。
Another statement seems to be more reliable, which comes from the description in the book of dreams: when Hui opera actor Mi Xizi in the Qing Dynasty played war in Changsha, he covered his face with sleeves and narrowed his eyes. When the performance was wonderful, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked murderous. At that time, the audience cheered for it. They said it was really like Guan Gong's manifestation. Therefore, closing your eyes can be said to be an expression of readiness. On the stage, there is also a saying that "the play of one body gathers in the face, and the play of one face gathers in the eyes".

The third theory is related to Buddhism. It is said that Guan Yu had a lot of resentment after his death. Only under the guidance of the Buddha did he know that he had committed too many killing sins in his life. After repentance, he was embarrassed to see the people again, so he had to frown and reflect on his mistakes by closing his eyes. No matter how much you worry, people will not see through. But Xiaobian thinks this statement is a little untenable. What do you think?


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