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文章出处:新闻资讯 人气:224发表时间:2019-04-16


The development of Western character sculpture started from ancient Greece and ancient Rome.Thetrad it ionalc lassical style sculpture is the mostexciting character. The shape and the emotions presented are the unity of the inside and outside. One of the prominent features of modern sculpture is the character image. And the expression of expression, It highlights the author's multiple levels of emotion and profound purpose in shaping art.



The first is the sculpture made in ancient Greece based on mythological characters. The kingdom of God headed by Zeus was built in the temple of Olympus as an orderly mythological Kingdom, and it also laid the foundation for European classical culture. foundation, It gave the ancient Greeks great freedom of thought and produced many great philosophers and scientists, artists, and formed Christian art that still influenced Europe and the world.



Western bronze sculptures in ancient Rome were composed of urban architecture and character statues, which formed the sculpture style of this period and made the sculpture style since ancient Greece sublimate. The sculpture of ancient Rome, life and heroes, gods, and people who pursue perfection, directly express the truth, goodness, and beauty of the universe in human beings, especially the eulogy of human beauty, and become the eternal theme of art.



The end of ancient Rome, until the Renaissance, was influenced by ancient Rome to produce Baroque and Rococo style sculptures. The Western character sculpture then combines painting and sculpture, showing the most abundant light and shadow of the sculpture and the personality changes of the characters.


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